2nd National Forum on Virtual & Digital Currency and Payment Systems
November 20-21, 2014
Event Details
The Carlton Hotel
Related People
Speakers & Sessions
Evolving State Regulatory and Enforcement Framework Governing Digital and Virtual Currencies: An In-Depth Examination of Issues Relating to Money Transmission and State Licensing Laws, Including Increased Scope of Licensiing Laws to Digital/Virtual Currency Exchanges, Exceptions to Money Transmission in the Virtual Context, and Clarifications for When Virtual Currency Businesses Seek to Provide Transactional Services for Third Parties
The Developing Federal Legal and Regulatory Framework Governing the Digital and Virtual Landscape and How These Alternative Currencies Fit Into the Baskets That Give Federal Authorities Their Jurisdiction to Regulate: The Impact of Regulation Thus Far, Where Is the Need (or Not) for Further Regulation, Gray Areas, Scrutiny and Concerns Over Misuse, Warnings/Statements/Determinations Issued, and Beyond